Source code for mtc.assertion

import enum
import ipaddress
import re
from typing import TypeVar, Optional

from .base import Variant, Struct, Enum, Vector, OpaqueVector
from .ip import IPv6Address, IPv4Address

from typing import Iterable

def sort_dns_names(names: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
    """Sort DNS names in lexicographical order, starting from the TLD"""
    # we assume everything here is valid dns name
    names_tmp: list[list[str]] = list(map(lambda s: list(reversed(s.split("."))), names))

    # names_tmp is now a lists of lists of dns name fragments. e.g.
    # ['', ''] is now [['com', 'example'], ['com', 'example', 'sub']]
    names_tmp.sort(key=lambda l: list(map(str.lower, l)))
    return list(map(lambda l: ".".join(reversed(l)), names_tmp))

[docs] class IPv4AddressList(Vector): """Implemented according to section 4.2 of the specification""" data_type = IPv4Address min_length = 4 max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1 def validate(self) -> None: if tuple(sorted(self.value, key=lambda v: v.value)) != self.value: raise self.ValidationError("IP addresses must be in lexical order")
[docs] class IPv6AddressList(Vector): """Implemented according to section 4.2 of the specification""" data_type = IPv6Address min_length = 16 max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1 def validate(self) -> None: if tuple(sorted(self.value, key=lambda v: v.value)) != self.value: raise self.ValidationError("IP addresses must be in lexical order")
class SubjectTypeEnum(enum.IntEnum): tls = 0 class ClaimTypeEnum(enum.IntEnum): dns = 0 dns_wildcard = 1 ipv4 = 2 ipv6 = 3
[docs] class SubjectType(Enum): """Implemented according to section 4 of the specification""" EnumClass = SubjectTypeEnum size_in_bytes = 2 tls: "SubjectType"
[docs] class ClaimType(Enum): EnumClass = ClaimTypeEnum size_in_bytes = 2 dns: "ClaimType" dns_wildcard: "ClaimType" ipv4: "ClaimType" ipv6: "ClaimType"
[docs] class DNSName(OpaqueVector): """Implemented according to section 4.1 of the specification""" min_length = 1 max_length = 255 def validate(self) -> None: super().validate() if re.match(b"^[a-z0-9-.]+$", self.value, re.I) is None: raise self.ValidationError(f"Invalid DNS name {self.value.decode('latin-1')}")
[docs] class DNSNameList(Vector): """Implemented according to section 4.1 of the specification""" data_type = DNSName min_length = 1 max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1 def validate(self) -> None: super().validate() names = list(map(lambda b: b.value.decode("ascii"), self.value)) sorted_names = sort_dns_names(names) if names != sorted_names: raise self.ValidationError("DNS Names must be in sorted order")
[docs] class SubjectInfo(OpaqueVector): """Implemented according to section 4 of the specification""" min_length = 1 max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
[docs] class Claim(Variant): """Implemented according to section 4 of the specification""" vary_on_type = ClaimType mapping = { ClaimType.dns: DNSNameList, ClaimType.dns_wildcard: DNSNameList, ClaimType.ipv4: IPv4AddressList, ClaimType.ipv6: IPv6AddressList }
[docs] class ClaimList(Vector): """Implemented according to section 4 of the specification""" data_type = Claim min_length = 0 max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
[docs] class Assertion(Struct): """Implemented according to section 4 of the specification""" subject_type: SubjectType subject_info: SubjectInfo claims: ClaimList
[docs] class Assertions(Vector): """Implemented according to section 5.4.2 of the specification""" data_type = Assertion min_length = 0 max_length = 2 ** 64 - 1
T = TypeVar("T") ListOrTuple = list[T] | tuple[T, ...]
[docs] def create_assertion(subject_info: bytes, *, ipv4_addrs: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None, ipv6_addrs: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None, dns_names: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None, dns_wild_cards: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None) -> Assertion: """ Creates an assertion as defined in section 4 of the specification. :param subject_info: The subject info from TLS. This is most likely the public key for the subject. :param ipv4_addrs: A list of possibly empty IPv4 address. :param ipv6_addrs: A list of possibly empty IPv6 address. :param dns_names: A list of possibly empty DNS names. :param dns_wild_cards: A list of possibly empty DNS wildcards. :return: an :class:`Assertion` object """ subject_info_bytes = SubjectInfo(subject_info) claims: list[Claim] = [] if dns_names: claims.append(Claim((ClaimType.dns, DNSNameList(* map(DNSName, map(lambda s: s.encode(), sort_dns_names(dns_names))))))) if dns_wild_cards: claims.append(Claim( (ClaimType.dns_wildcard, DNSNameList(*map(DNSName, map(lambda s: s.encode(), sort_dns_names(dns_wild_cards))))))) if ipv4_addrs: claims.append( Claim((ClaimType.ipv4, IPv4AddressList( *map(IPv4Address, sorted(ipv4_addrs, key=lambda a: ipaddress.IPv4Address(a))))))) if ipv6_addrs: claims.append( Claim((ClaimType.ipv6, IPv6AddressList( *map(IPv6Address, sorted(ipv6_addrs, key=lambda a: ipaddress.IPv6Address(a))))))) return Assertion(SubjectType.tls, subject_info_bytes, ClaimList(*claims))
__all__ = ["IPv4AddressList", "IPv6AddressList", "SubjectType", "ClaimType", "DNSName", "DNSNameList", "SubjectInfo", "Claim", "ClaimList", "Assertion", "Assertions", "create_assertion", "sort_dns_names"]