import enum
import ipaddress
import re
from typing import TypeVar, Optional
from .base import Variant, Struct, Enum, Vector, OpaqueVector
from .ip import IPv6Address, IPv4Address
from typing import Iterable
def sort_dns_names(names: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
"""Sort DNS names in lexicographical order, starting from the TLD"""
# we assume everything here is valid dns name
names_tmp: list[list[str]] = list(map(lambda s: list(reversed(s.split("."))), names))
# names_tmp is now a lists of lists of dns name fragments. e.g.
# ['', ''] is now [['com', 'example'], ['com', 'example', 'sub']]
names_tmp.sort(key=lambda l: list(map(str.lower, l)))
return list(map(lambda l: ".".join(reversed(l)), names_tmp))
class IPv4AddressList(Vector):
"""Implemented according to section 4.2 of the specification"""
data_type = IPv4Address
min_length = 4
max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
def validate(self) -> None:
if tuple(sorted(self.value, key=lambda v: v.value)) != self.value:
raise self.ValidationError("IP addresses must be in lexical order")
class IPv6AddressList(Vector):
"""Implemented according to section 4.2 of the specification"""
data_type = IPv6Address
min_length = 16
max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
def validate(self) -> None:
if tuple(sorted(self.value, key=lambda v: v.value)) != self.value:
raise self.ValidationError("IP addresses must be in lexical order")
class SubjectTypeEnum(enum.IntEnum):
tls = 0
class ClaimTypeEnum(enum.IntEnum):
dns = 0
dns_wildcard = 1
ipv4 = 2
ipv6 = 3
class SubjectType(Enum):
"""Implemented according to section 4 of the specification"""
EnumClass = SubjectTypeEnum
size_in_bytes = 2
tls: "SubjectType"
class ClaimType(Enum):
EnumClass = ClaimTypeEnum
size_in_bytes = 2
dns: "ClaimType"
dns_wildcard: "ClaimType"
ipv4: "ClaimType"
ipv6: "ClaimType"
class DNSName(OpaqueVector):
"""Implemented according to section 4.1 of the specification"""
min_length = 1
max_length = 255
def validate(self) -> None:
if re.match(b"^[a-z0-9-.]+$", self.value, re.I) is None:
raise self.ValidationError(f"Invalid DNS name {self.value.decode('latin-1')}")
class DNSNameList(Vector):
"""Implemented according to section 4.1 of the specification"""
data_type = DNSName
min_length = 1
max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
def validate(self) -> None:
names = list(map(lambda b: b.value.decode("ascii"), self.value))
sorted_names = sort_dns_names(names)
if names != sorted_names:
raise self.ValidationError("DNS Names must be in sorted order")
class SubjectInfo(OpaqueVector):
"""Implemented according to section 4 of the specification"""
min_length = 1
max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
class Claim(Variant):
"""Implemented according to section 4 of the specification"""
vary_on_type = ClaimType
mapping = {
ClaimType.dns: DNSNameList,
ClaimType.dns_wildcard: DNSNameList,
ClaimType.ipv4: IPv4AddressList,
ClaimType.ipv6: IPv6AddressList
class ClaimList(Vector):
"""Implemented according to section 4 of the specification"""
data_type = Claim
min_length = 0
max_length = 2 ** 16 - 1
class Assertion(Struct):
"""Implemented according to section 4 of the specification"""
subject_type: SubjectType
subject_info: SubjectInfo
claims: ClaimList
class Assertions(Vector):
"""Implemented according to section 5.4.2 of the specification"""
data_type = Assertion
min_length = 0
max_length = 2 ** 64 - 1
T = TypeVar("T")
ListOrTuple = list[T] | tuple[T, ...]
def create_assertion(subject_info: bytes, *, ipv4_addrs: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
ipv6_addrs: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None, dns_names: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
dns_wild_cards: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None) -> Assertion:
Creates an assertion as defined in section 4 of the specification.
:param subject_info: The subject info from TLS. This is most likely the public key for the subject.
:param ipv4_addrs: A list of possibly empty IPv4 address.
:param ipv6_addrs: A list of possibly empty IPv6 address.
:param dns_names: A list of possibly empty DNS names.
:param dns_wild_cards: A list of possibly empty DNS wildcards.
:return: an :class:`Assertion` object
subject_info_bytes = SubjectInfo(subject_info)
claims: list[Claim] = []
if dns_names:
claims.append(Claim((ClaimType.dns, DNSNameList(*
map(lambda s: s.encode(), sort_dns_names(dns_names)))))))
if dns_wild_cards:
DNSNameList(*map(DNSName, map(lambda s: s.encode(), sort_dns_names(dns_wild_cards)))))))
if ipv4_addrs:
Claim((ClaimType.ipv4, IPv4AddressList(
*map(IPv4Address, sorted(ipv4_addrs, key=lambda a: ipaddress.IPv4Address(a)))))))
if ipv6_addrs:
Claim((ClaimType.ipv6, IPv6AddressList(
*map(IPv6Address, sorted(ipv6_addrs, key=lambda a: ipaddress.IPv6Address(a)))))))
return Assertion(SubjectType.tls, subject_info_bytes, ClaimList(*claims))
__all__ = ["IPv4AddressList", "IPv6AddressList", "SubjectType", "ClaimType",
"DNSName", "DNSNameList", "SubjectInfo", "Claim", "ClaimList", "Assertion", "Assertions", "create_assertion",