Source code for mtc.base.utils

from math import ceil

[docs] def bytes_needed(n: int) -> int: """ calculates the minimum number of bytes needed to represent n (unsigned) """ # avoid using log2 because it might cause floating-point errors when n is large return ceil(n.bit_length() / 8)
[docs] def bytes_to_int(b: bytes) -> int: """ converts a bytes object to an int (unsigned) """ return int.from_bytes(b, "big", signed=False)
[docs] def int_to_bytes(n: int, size: int) -> bytes: """ converts n into its byte representation (unsigned) of *size* bytes. """ return n.to_bytes(size, "big", signed=False)
[docs] def printable_bytes_truncate(b: bytes, limit: int) -> str: """ Converts a bytes object into a string, with non-printable characters replaced by _. Similar to what you see in a hex-editor :param b: the bytes to be printed :param limit: the length limit :return: the string with non-printable bytes replaced """ if len(b) > limit: b = b[:limit - 3] + b"..." s = "" for c in b: if not 33 <= c <= 126: s += "." else: s += chr(c) return s
__all__ = ["bytes_needed", "bytes_to_int", "int_to_bytes", "printable_bytes_truncate", ]