Source code for mtc.tree

import enum
import hashlib
import io
from typing import Sequence, Self

from .assertion import Assertion
from .base import Parser, Enum, Struct, OpaqueVector, Array, UInt8, UInt32, UInt64

class DistinguisherEnum(enum.IntEnum):
    HashEmptyInput = 0
    HashNodeInput = 1
    HashAssertionInput = 2

[docs] class Distinguisher(Enum): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" size_in_bytes = 1 EnumClass = DistinguisherEnum HashEmptyInput: "Distinguisher" HashNodeInput: "Distinguisher" HashAssertionInput: "Distinguisher"
[docs] class SHA256Hash(Array): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" length = 32
[docs] class IssuerID(OpaqueVector): """Implemented according to section 5.4.2 of the specification""" min_length = 0 max_length = 32
[docs] class HashHead(Parser): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" def __init__(self, /, value: tuple[Distinguisher, IssuerID, UInt32]) -> None: # value is (distinguisher, issuer_id, batch_number) self.value = value
[docs] def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: b = b"".join(map(lambda p: p.to_bytes(), self.value)) # pad to the block size of sha256. this assertion is always true under current spec but if issuer_id # might become longer in future specs assert len(b) < 64 b += b"\0" * (64 - len(b)) return b
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, stream: io.BufferedIOBase) -> Self: distinguisher = Distinguisher.parse(stream) issuer_id = IssuerID.parse(stream) batch_number = UInt32.parse(stream) return cls((distinguisher, issuer_id, batch_number))
[docs] def print(self) -> str: s = f"----------{self.__class__.__name__}(64)-----------" s += "\t" + self.value[0].print() + "\n" s += "\t" + self.value[1].print() + "\n" s += "\t" + self.value[2].print() + "\n" s += f"--------End {self.__class__.__name__}(64)---------" return s
[docs] class HashEmptyInput(Struct): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" hash_head: HashHead index: UInt64 level: UInt8
[docs] class HashNodeInput(Struct): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" hash_head: HashHead index: UInt64 level: UInt8 left: SHA256Hash right: SHA256Hash
[docs] class HashAssertionInput(Struct): """Implemented according to section 5.4.1 of the specification""" hash_head: HashHead index: UInt64 assertion: Assertion
def sha256(node: HashEmptyInput | HashNodeInput | HashAssertionInput) -> SHA256Hash: hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(node.to_bytes()) return SHA256Hash(hasher.digest()) # (level, index) -> node NodesList = list[list[SHA256Hash]]
[docs] def create_merkle_tree(assertions: Sequence[Assertion], issuer_id: bytes, batch_number: int) -> NodesList: """ Build Merkle tree as defined by section 5.4.1 of the specification :param assertions: a list of assertions to create merkle tree for :param issuer_id: the issuer id, in bytes :param batch_number: the batch number to create merkle tree for :return: A :class:`NodesList` that can be passed into other functions """ assertion_head = HashHead((Distinguisher.HashAssertionInput, IssuerID(issuer_id), UInt32(batch_number))) empty_head = HashHead((Distinguisher.HashEmptyInput, IssuerID(issuer_id), UInt32(batch_number))) node_head = HashHead((Distinguisher.HashNodeInput, IssuerID(issuer_id), UInt32(batch_number))) n = len(assertions) if n == 0: empty_node = HashEmptyInput(empty_head, UInt64(0), UInt8(0)) return [[sha256(empty_node)]] if n == 1: assertion_node = HashAssertionInput(assertion_head, UInt64(0), assertions[0]) return [[sha256(assertion_node)]] # avoid using log2 because it might cause floating-point errors when n is large l = n.bit_length() + 1 nodes: NodesList = [[]] for j in range(n): a = HashAssertionInput(assertion_head, UInt64(j), assertions[j]) nodes[0].append(sha256(a)) if n % 2 == 1: nodes[0].append(sha256(HashEmptyInput(empty_head, UInt64(n), UInt8(0)))) prev_nodes = n + 1 else: prev_nodes = n for i in range(1, l): current_nodes = prev_nodes // 2 nodes.append([]) for j in range(current_nodes): nodes[i].append(sha256( HashNodeInput(node_head, UInt64(j), UInt8(i), nodes[i - 1][j * 2], nodes[i - 1][j * 2 + 1]) )) # append empty node if not at root if current_nodes % 2 == 1 and i != l - 1: nodes[i].append(sha256(HashEmptyInput(empty_head, UInt64(current_nodes), UInt8(i)))) prev_nodes = current_nodes + 1 else: prev_nodes = current_nodes return nodes